In Gratitude     April 15, 2016
By C. M.  (CA)
I've been working with Orin (mostly Orin) meditations for nearly 4 years. I can trace the progression from experiencing the tiniest glimmers of light, and just deciding to trust that something was actually happening, to beginning to feel the entire field of energy surrounding me -including my own thoughts and emotions - change from doing the meditations, to having moments of brilliant flashes - suddenly finding myself on the Soul Plane, surrounded with Light Beings, brilliance, warmth .... Home. That's what it feels like - Home. My entire life I have struggled with feeling as though I don't really belong on Earth. When I journey to the Soul Plane and feel the Spiritual Community and the grander Spiritual Universe that I am a part of, I finally feel like I know where I belong. It all makes it easier for me to be on Earth too, especially since my Spiritual Community - Soul, Soul Group, Master, Divine Self, Ray Lords, Spiritual Sun - are all filling me up with the energy and light that I need to be able to make a difference here on this planet. That's something I cans get behind - Being IN the World, not OF the World, but being Here FOR the World. I absolutely LOVE working with these energies of Divine Will. Transforming Your Life with Divine Will was amazing, and I thought I reached some really amazing peaks while working with those energies. This one - Orin's Illumination - Awakening Your Higher Mind - takes the cake! The Light. The Peace. The Wholeness that I feel. Trees have revealed their Spirits to me!! I always knew they were there, but couldn't feel them. Now I have. It's beautiful. I can feel myself letting go of the restrictions and confinements of Mass Consciousness and mundane thinking that were binding me to suffering. I've only worked with this particular program for a few days ... DAYS!! And I'm already feeling the fabric of my mind change, which is changing my entire feeling of Presence.

I feel that I cannot adequately express my Gratitude to Sanaya Roman and Orin for changing my Life with this work. Not only have you saved it (yes.... i was thinking about leaving Earth), but you have MADE it! I feel purpose. I feel intrinsic value and worth. I feel Belonging, which is a feeling that has been elusive for me in this lifetime.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!

profound     September 8, 2010
By Z. R.  (PR)
Working with the Will of Act and Illuminating your Mind my experience is first I feel higher Beings working with my heart center and the same time working with my mind.Is a beautiful and profound experience.I feel more clear thoughts,I feel more freedom,thanks for this new adventure with love and light from my heart.

By G. D.  (CO)
Thanks so very much for all the creativity and preparation for the Illumination course. Since the course if feels as if something wonderful has taken hold of my life and future. Thanks to the Illumination course I realize consciously what an insidious role doubts and fears play in the process of manifestation. I've been aware of them peripherally however this course helped release those underlying, subtle beliefs I've had about doubts and fears. The fun part is I clearly identified one of these beliefs during a meditation and released it. I released it so thoroughly I'm unable to remember it now. I am very excited to see what a joyful, free, and abundant future I create without the excessive doubts to delay and the fears to confuse. I've even come up with my very own affirmation. Again I offer much gratitude to you. My very best.

By P. L.  (Canada)
Hi! I wanted to take time to write a little feedback (in english!) on the illumination course. I have the feeling I healed a big part of "my big wound": the inner fight, the feeling I had to fight to "win" peace. At work, a lot of things changed (people's reactions, etc.). Thank you so much... I often use Orin's suggestion not to fight our needs but only to know that if we have a need, the Universe has everything to answer to it, if we permit it. I now use this sentence for my patients; it helps them. Thank you for everything again.

By G. W.  (Great Britain)
I've just taken journey 9 of the Orin illumination seminar. There are some journeys that stand out as milestones for me and this has been one. Again, besides sending the energy, I feel to express in words my immense gratitude. Thank you for your courage, dedication and perseverance in making Orin's Guidance accessible to all of us.

By R. L.  (NV)
I haven't taken the time to work on the Rainbow Bridge much. I have been finding the illumination space lately to deal with issues and personality challenges and it seems so much more available and easy to find. After finding the space, I am always guided to focus inward on self love and approval so I can hold this state steadily for others. What a great joy life becomes when I do this. I think your Rainbow Bridge work is bringing in the illumination space in a wonderful way. Thank you so much.