wonderful     June 17, 2014
By C. B.  (Great Britain)
Thank you so much for the Exploring Infinite Being series. I have felt myself changing with each part, releasing so much and flowing so much more. I am nearly at the end of part 4 and though I have enjoyed many of the journeys including the wonderful Funnel Beings, I had such a lovely experience with no 26 Totality of Experience, Beyond Observer, I felt such a moment of change and then I came to no 30 Beings Whose Experience Spans Corporeal & Non Corporeal and I loved it so very very much that I cried when I came to the end and it was very hard to let go! Thank you so very very much.

My Heartfelt Thanks     December 6, 2011
By J. S.  (Canada)
I just had to let you know how very much I enjoyed our last seminar!!! It was so beautiful and connecting with other sentient beings was utterly delightful. I continue to listen to the journeys and am amazed at the ease and effortlessness I experience. Our last seminar (LB953) where we learned the buoyancy carries through into this as it reminds me of a dance, there's a wonderful joy, utter sweetness and flow in that feeling of space.

For me there is a sense of having let something go, a feeling of liberation. I'm finding I have more ideas and solutions to certain situations, some of which are really simple.

So in closing, my heartfelt thanks for the work you do with DaBen, which in turn allows me to pursue that which I love!

feedback about the seminars and how effective they are in helping me change my life     November 1, 2011
By J. B.  (OR)
I would like to share a little about how the Light Body seminars are changing me. I am beginning to experience how they have been building on each other.

I have been holding lightly for some time the idea that I (perhaps my soul self) am projecting my energy to create the world around me so that when I look at someone else, it's really an aspect of me being mirrored back to me. It seems we are all creating our own worlds which overlap from time to time. At the last seminar (LB953), I got a deeper sense of this shared consciousness. And the beings I met seem to be happy to help me explore and fill in more of the details of all this. I look forward to working with them in the months ahead.

I just wanted to give some feedback about the seminars and how effective they are in helping me change my life. Everyone I talked to is having major shifts of some sort. Many old patterns and beliefs bubbling up to the surface to be evolved and our personalities adjusting to the hugeness of our being. How could abundance of every sort not be a part of our experience in this sea of connections. Thank you. What an amazing journey we're on.

I also wanted to share with you that my channeling is really opening up with several new ideas coming to me during the seminar. One of my main guides came to me several seminars ago when you and DaBen invited us to meet a guide that would help us expand our consciousness.

Amazing!     October 30, 2011
By K. L.  (NY)
I just completed the seminar remotely and was completely blown away by the experience of being these spaces interacting with the beloved beings who are sponsoring this event...Words feel limited for expressing the expansion and new sense of awareness..this is truly life changing..something I've been reading from the spiritual books and only now got to have the experience directly ...I am so looking forward to the next two seminars to come...

Much gratitude for all of you who make this happen...


very special     October 27, 2011
By N. H.  (Belgium)
This way I would like to express my gratitude to Duane and Sanaya for the remotely seminar last weekend. It was very special and I enjoyed it very much. With love and gratitude.

The energies are so beautiful, so lovely, so exquisite, so peaceful, and so blissful beyond!     October 25, 2011
By T. W.  (AR)
Thank you to you, DaBen, and all the Guides and Incredible Beings who are assisting us with this seminar. The energies are so beautiful, so lovely, so exquisite, so peaceful, and so blissful beyond! The Beings who are helping us are also so incredible beyond words! What spaces that they are assisting us in opening to! What a gift to “BE” this (as a goal consciously) through all levels of Consciousness. Thank you Duane for all of your devotion and efforts and service to ALL in this way! Gratitude pours out!

These journeys are so beautiful and really do feel like “home” so profoundly . . . smile . . . Ones to listen to many times . . .smile . . .Thank you so Much!

With Boundless Light, Gratitude, and Love

converse with other beings     October 23, 2011
By N. G.  (Italy)
I'm happy because I just started the seminary and I feel that something new is happening. I don't know what I will have from it, but I feel the presence of my consciousness as an energy which can show me many things and special beings..Thanks!