Awakening Your Spiritual Power:
Becoming Your Divine Self
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Series Title: Orin's Path of Self-Realization Series Part 2 of 3
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Orin
Contains: 12 Meditations, PDF with Transcripts
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 5.6 hrs.

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

12 Meditations, PDF with Transcripts
Product Number: DS202
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Download Album $89.00
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 Orin's Path of Self-Realization Series: Becoming Your Divine Self

Awakening Your Spiritual Power

Spiritual power comes from knowing the truth of any situation. Truth is a very important gift of consciousness to receive from your Divine Self. In this course you will explore the truth that there is only one power, that of the Divine Self. You will discover what it means to live this truth as you open to the realization that nothing can have power over you.

With this understanding, you can release the illusion that there is anything to fight against. You know that when you are in contact with your Divine Self, no thoughts, beliefs, memories, people, feelings, obstacles, situations, or outside circumstances can stop you from creating a life that reflects the unlimited potential of your Divine Self. There can be no power in anything of the material world, for the only power is that of Spirit, the omnipotent Divine Self within you.

This course continues the expansion of consciousness taught in the other two albums in this series.  Orin's journeys in this course assist you in further developing the consciousness of your Divine Self.  This awareness allows you to know even more your true identity as a Divine Self, a truth that assists you in being even more effective at clearing energy.

Note: An online PDF booklet with transcripts is included with the MP3 downloads.  This PDF booklet is an online product, and there is no printed version that will be sent to you. The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads and Seminars" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.  Guided meditations are approximately 30 minutes each.

  Listen to a Free Orin audio journey, Opening to Your True Identity to experience connecting with your Divine Self.
A transcript of Orin's Meditation is also posted.

Orin’s 12 guided meditations in this album include:

  • Orin Talk About Spiritual Power
  • Awakening Spiritual Power
  • Experiencing the Power that Reveals
  • Clearing Imprisoning Beliefs and Thoughts 
  • Recognizing the Divine in Others 
  • Thoughts Are Not a Power
  • You Are the Power
  • The Past Is Not the Future
  • There Is Only One Power
  • It’s All About You
  • Transforming Fear
  • Freeing Yourself From Other's Projections
  • Living the Consciousness of Spiritual Power

What is spiritual power?

In this album you will explore spiritual power, what it is, and how to awaken to it. You will learn how this understanding changes the way you view your life and interact with the world. This is not power over, power against, or power under. It is not power that comes from a force of will or rigid determination. Spiritual power has been called the power that is no power. As you rise to a higher level of consciousness, above duality, you realize that there is no opposing power or force because there are not two powers.  Even though it may appear as if there are opposing forces, in the consciousness of your Divine Self you will know that nothing can have any power over you, even if it seems that it does. There is only one power—the power of the true, innermost, omnipotent Self within you, a Self of pure goodness, love, and wisdom. 

Contact with your Divine Self reveals where you are giving away your power

As you contact your Divine Self and ask for guidance, It will reveal to you ways in which you have given away your power to other people, situations, or objects. As you awaken your spiritual power, misperceptions; memories that are holding you back; fearful, worrisome thoughts about the future; cultural conditioning; and other people’s perceptions affect you less and less until they are completely released from your awareness. You gain the conviction that when you consciously realize the Divine Self as who you are, nothing can hurt you or have any power over you.  You no longer need to give your power away to any person, situation, or thing. 

How your life can change when you know that there is only one power

With the realization that there is no power other than that of your Divine Self, you stop trying to defend or protect yourself from those things that you may have given power to. You find that situations that used to create feelings of anxiety or fear no longer worry you because you know that they can have no power over you. You interact with the world about you in ways that reflect your increasing inner confidence and awakening sense of what spiritual power is and how to express it in your life. You allow the truth of your being, the spiritual power within you, to be expressed in every area of your life, with every person you know, and in every situation you are in.

With spiritual power you can know the truth of every situation

When you can recognize what is true and real and what is just an illusion and not real, you become aware that what you thought was a problem (viewed from the level of the mind) does not exist when viewed in the light of your Divine Self. You are no longer fooled by the way things appear. You better understand why things are happening and recognize the opportunity that every situation is offering you. You are better able to sustain a feeling of peace and balance in your life no matter what is happening or what conditions you find yourself in.

In the light of the Self within, you can experience inspiring thoughts, solutions, insights, and guidance that will show you the truth of any situation—that the power is within you and that the universe is always bringing you your higher good. With the understanding of spiritual power and what it means, you become more confident and open to new possibilities. You discover more effective ways to handle every situation. Life becomes a wonderful adventure of discovery; following your heart; and of experiencing more abundance, joy, and aliveness.

Transform your life with spiritual power

In this album, you will work with various areas of your life and consciousness that you want to improve, then change them without using power, force, or will-power. You will contact your Divine Self and set your intention to change an area. You will then infuse this area with the spiritual power of truth, align it with purpose, break up old habits and patterns that have held you back, and release all that is not for your highest good. You will open to receive your highest good in this area, continuing to affirm that there are not two powers but only one power—the power of your Divine Self that is always with you.

Face the future with hope and new vision As you deepen your contact with your Divine Self and listen to and follow your inner guidance, you learn to trust that your Divine Self always provides you with whatever you need in every moment—be it an encouraging word, assistance, money, a job, an opportunity, food, or companionship. You realize that there is an infinite supply of everything you need, so you stop looking to others as the source of your abundance and supply.  You stop hanging on to any person or situation, thinking there is nothing better, because you know you will always have whatever you need. You can face the future and present moment with hope and a receptivity to all the gifts that your true Self has for you.  

You are planting seeds of consciousness

As you gain the consciousness taught in this course you will be planting many seeds of consciousness that will flower in the weeks and months to come. This consciousness can appear as a more peaceful, harmonious life.  You will have a deeper understanding of who you are as truth is revealed and illusions are recognized and released. You will experience more thoughts that reveal your true identity as a Divine being and that reflect the perfection and beauty that lies within you.

You can experience more frequent thoughts that show you the way; sacred thoughts; luminous thoughts; and insightful, beautiful, encouraging, and positive thoughts.   Many wonderful shifts and awakenings lie ahead as these seeds of consciousness grow, offering you a rich harvest of greater wisdom, understanding, expanded awareness, and a quantum leap into a new level of illumination.

Your Divine Self is offering you abundant life, love, vitality, and pure goodness.

It is always looking out for you. Your Divine Self opens doors, brings you opportunities, clears the way, and releases stuck places.  There is no limit to how far you can go, how much you can grow, and how much of the Divine Self can be expressed through you in this life time. Special Offer:  Save $30  Purchase all three (3) albums at the same time and save! See below for a brief description of each album.  Click on the links to read more about each individual album in this series.

Download offer: These 3 download albums ($89 each) are $267 if purchased separately.  Purchase all 3 download courses at the same time for $237, and save $30.
Download offer includes free MP3 Thaddeus music track downloads, one per album, with purchase.   Return to Top

Knowing Your True Identity:Becoming Your Divine Self Part 1

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In Part 1 of this 3-Part series, Knowing Your True Identity, you will explore fourth-dimensional consciousness and experience yourself as a non-physical, eternal, invisible, infinite, unlimited, pure, illuminating light. With the realization of who you are beyond the ego, a higher world opens up–a world of light and beauty; perfection, goodness, and love. The veils that have hidden your inner light begin to fall away, allowing the beauty, love, and goodness within you to flow out into your life.

When you realize what a vast consciousness you are, you no longer feel like a small, powerless, separate self. Fears drop away and you feel a new confidence arise from within you. Your sense of direction about your life increases. Knowing the greater Self that you are can bring you energy, solutions, opportunities, and all that you need to move forward into your highest future. Knowing your true identity is one of the most life-changing steps you will take on your path of awakening.

This course is the beginning of an expansion into Divine Self consciousness that strengthens and enhances your ability to awaken your spiritual power and clear energy.  It is a pivotal course that works well with all other Divine Self courses. 

This album contains 12 Orin audio journeys approximately 30 minutes each. Course comes with online PDF transcripts of the journeys.

Clearing Energy with Your Divine Self:Becoming Your Divine Self

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In Part 3 of this 3-Part series, Clearing Energy with Your Divine Self, you will learn how to recognize and clear any energy that veils the light of your Divine Self; energy that makes it harder to know your true identity and experience spiritual power. This energy can be your or others’ emotions, thoughts, desires, pictures, reactions, memories, or mass consciousness beliefs.

You will discover more about the nature of the energy you are clearing and how to recognize when you are not clear. You will learn how to stay in a clear state so you can maintain contact with your Divine Self, unaffected by the energies around you. In this clear state you can better sense Divine Self guidance that reveals your highest choices, decisions, and paths in every situation.

When your energy is clear you know who you are. You no longer are held back by self-doubt and fears. Instead, you feel the courage and confidence of your Divine Self shining through you, making it easier to move forward. When you are clear you feel good about yourself–more joyful, insightful, inspired, focused, confident, and optimistic. With clear energy, the divine pattern and perfection of any area is revealed, in yourself and others, and in any situation you focus on. Clearing all lesser energies that are affecting you opens the way for your highest good to come about, and for the divine perfection and pattern to reveal itself in every area of your life.

This continues the expansion of consciousness taught in the other two albums in this series.  Orin's journeys assist you in clearing any energy you have taken on, so you can better sustain knowing your true identity and awakening your spiritual power, living in alignment with the truth of your being.

This album contains 20 Orin audio journeys. Course comes with online PDF transcripts of the journeys.

product imageproduct imageproduct imageInformation on Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self series
The three (3) courses in Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self series are part of a comprehensive series of Orin courses called Orin's Path of Self-Realization series, offering you who are ready an accelerated course in higher consciousness that assists you in becoming an awakened, realized Self. 

In Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self courses, you will explore your Divine Self connection as a doorway into higher awareness. This is awareness of who you are beyond the ego, beyond your identification with your body, emotions, and mind. To sustain this higher consciousness, it is important to know your true identity and awaken your spiritual power. You will also want to understand the nature of lesser energies you live in and around, increasing your ability to stay clear of identifying with them so you can identify instead with your true, innermost Divine Self.  

Orin's journeys in all 3 of these courses, Knowing Your True Identity, Awakening Your Spiritual Power, and Clearing Energy with Your Divine Self assist you in awakening to your true identity as a Divine being. When you know who you are–a powerful, wise, and infinite being–you have more confidence, clarity, and vision. You experience more inner peace, harmony, and inspiration. Anxiety, doubts, and worry disappear. You love and honor yourself. You make yourself rather than other people the authority of what is right for you. You are not driven by externals; instead you follow your inner guidance. You are not needy or dependent. You know your Divine Self is always bringing you whatever you need.

Other courses in Orin’s Path of Self-Realization series are the six-volume Transcending Your Ego series. In this set of courses you are guided to experience the illumination that transforms your emotions, evolves your desires, and illuminates your mind so you can transcend your ego and experience and sustain your awareness of a higher reality beyond the ego. The journeys in this course are uplifting and transformative, and offer you many very expansive experiences of higher consciousness.  Orin's Transcending Your Ego series can be studied before or after Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self series. 

About Orin's Path of Self-Realization Series that this set of 3 courses is a part of:  Orin says that each album in his Path of Self-Realization series contains some of the major steps, understanding, and realizations that will assist you on your path of awakening and Self-realization.  Orin is mapping out for you some of the steps and understandings that will carry you forward into the higher light of greater freedom, the light of initiation, revelations, and new understandings. The courses in this series are to assist you in learning to view your daily life and the world you from a spiritual awareness, rather than a personality-based awareness.

In all of Orin's courses in this series you will work with your guides and inner teachers who are here to assist you in your continuing transformation from a personality-based consciousness to having an awakened spiritual consciousness.

Should I Start with Orin's Transcending Your Ego courses or the Becoming Your Divine Self courses?
Orin's three (3) Becoming Your Divine Self courses work together with Orin's six (6) Transcending Your Ego courses to assist you in expanding into the consciousness of your Divine Self. Both sets of courses are part of a comprehensive path Orin is offering on your journey of awakening, of Self-Realization. If you have already studied Orin's Transcending Your Ego series, you will be able to get even more shifts out of the Becoming Your Divine Self courses. If you are drawn to this new series but have not yet taken Orin's Transcending Your Ego courses, you may start with this new series, then study the Transcending Your Ego series afterward.

If you are part-way through the Transcending Your Ego series, we suggest completing the series first before taking the Becoming Your Divine Self series.  However, always trust your intuition and take whatever courses you feel guided to study as your next step.

Teaching courses from Orin's Transcending Your Ego, Becoming Your Divine Self, and Unfolding Divine Consciousness Series:

Note about Orin's Transcending Your Ego, Becoming Your Divine Self, Unfolding Divine Consciousness and Interdimensional Traveling with Your Jeweled Vehicle Series:

Orin has asked people not to teach any of these courses (DS101-DS106, DS201-DS203, DS204, JV351-JV355) by leading or teaching the meditations in your own voice at this time.  Orin asks that you present these courses to others by playing his audio journeys for them. Orin does not feel that people are able to transmit from the spaces beyond the ego that Orin is transmitting from during the journeys. We just ask that you not lead the guided meditations for these courses in your own voice, record them, or teach classes based on similar meditations given in your own voice. 

If you want to teach others these courses, you can hold classes or get together with one or two friends and play your journeys for them. You can also purchase multiple download courses and receive a discount. (Email our office for details).