Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Excerpt from Book Creating Money
Creating Money Flowproduct image

Greetings from Orin and DaBen!
Money flows in and out, like ocean waves. You will experience times when the tide is in, and times when the tide is out. There is a natural rhythm to money, just as there is a natural cycle to everything in your life. Every person has cycles in life, times when money is going out more than when it is coming in, and vice versa. Your challenge is to not go up and down emotionally with the natural ebb and flow of money in your life.

If you are experiencing as much money going out as coming in, things are stagnant, or you have more bills than you have income, look at where your own energy might not be moving or is blocked. You want both money and your personal energy to flow. By unblocking your energy, you can create more money in your life. Blocks in money flow can be caused by places where your energy isn't flowing, such as in your emotions, physical body, or in your relationships. Observe your life for awhile, and ask your higher self to show you where your energy needs to flow more.

One area of your life that is not flowing or working may affect every other area of your life. The more conscious you become of your energy, the less possible it becomes to sweep under the carpet those areas of your life that are not working. To experience the abundance, aliveness, and growth you seek, it is necessary to do what you can to make every area of your life work. When money is not flowing it may be time to start new activities that you have been wanting to do. Look for things you can do that will bring you joy, aliveness, and energy, and start doing them. As you do, you will start your energy moving and create a flow of money.

Everyone looks forward to the flow, when more money is coming in than going out. You experience this many times during each month. When you receive your paycheck or any sum of money, before you spend it, you have created a positive flow. Acknowledge that you already have a flow of money in your life, and that what you want is even more days when more money is coming in than going out.

Creating Money and Abundance Audio Products

View all Orin and DaBen Creating Money Audio and Book Products here.

View links to our many Orin and DaBen Creating Money and Abundance articles and exercises to help you create more abundance.

Listen to the Creating Money Audio Book, read by Sanaya with transmissions from Orin to assist you in creating more abundance.

Recommended Audio Courses to Help Create Abundance
M100Guided Meditations: Creating Money guided journeys to reprogram your subconscious for abundance.  The audio course contains 8 meditations to reprogram your subconscious for abundance, using the principles taught in the Creating Money book.  Audio titles include: Magnetizing Yourself; Clearing Beliefs and Old Programs; Success!!; Creating Abundance; Awakening Your Prosperity Self; Aura Clearing, Energy and Lightwork; Releasing Doubts and Fears; and Linking with Your Soul and the Guides. These audio programs are also available as singles you can download.

product image Audiobook: Orin and DaBen's Creating Money Audiobook, read by Sanaya Roman, transmitting Orin's energy as you listen.  More than just an audio book, it contains over 11 hours of audio.  There are 23 chapters and 24 exercises, and the affirmations from the book. Expand your abundance potential as you listen, either in meditation, or while driving or doing other activities. You can also listen to a free 8 minute excerpt from the book. 

MM070Orin's Divine Manifesting Course
Manifesting With the 7 Divine Wills and Divine Self 
Part 1: Manifesting as Your Divine Self
Part 2: Becoming a Master of Manifesting These are Orin's newest and most powerful courses in Manifesting.These processes will expand your consciousness and assist you in realizing more of the consciousness of your Divine Self, the source of all Divine Manifesting.

M001Creating Money Audio Short Course: Creating Money Affirmations Program 1 contains affirmations from the Creating Money book; Program 2 contains a magnetizing journey by Orin.  These audio journeys will help reprogram your subconscious for abundance and help you put into motion the principles and spiritual laws of abundance you will learn in the Creating Money: Attracting Abundance book.

Recommended Orin Single Audio Journeys
Unlimited Thinking and for Self-Employed People: Attracting business, clients, sales, and money, Discovering Your Life Purpose, and Manifesting Your Destiny.
View a list of all Creating Money products

Creating Money, Articles and Products on our Website

View all Orin and DaBen Creating Money Audio and Book Products here.

View links to our many Orin and DaBen free Creating Money and Abundance articles and exercises to help you create more abundance.

 product imageRecommended Reading
Orin and DaBen's Creating Money: Attracting Abundance Book  Now available in printed and eBook formats! 
This is a step-by-step guide to the art of manifesting using advanced energy techniques, magnetism, and the spiritual laws of abundance. Discover and create your life's work, transform limiting beliefs, create miracles, and draw to you what you want.

Creating Money AUDIO BOOK Creating Money: Attracting Abundance book, read by Sanaya Roman, transmitting Orin's energy as you listen. You can also listen to a free 8 minute excerpt from the book. 

Creating Money Articles and Exercises
Manifesting and Abundance Resources, Articles and Audio Courses
Read Excerpts from Creating Money
Creating Money Flow
Qualities That Attract Money and qualities that repel money.
Changing Beliefs of Scarcity into Abundance
Exercise:  Creating Abundance: Changing a Belief
Exercise:  Creating Abundance: Affirmations
Developing a Manifesting Consciousness Tips for Effective Manifesting
Affirmations for Creating Abundance

Are you attracting or repelling money? Close your eyes and think of a number between 1 and 42.
To see what quality to work on to attract abundance go to Qualities That Attract and Repel Money

Divine Manifesting with Divine Will
Article: Divine Manifesting, What is It?
Exercise:  Divine Manifesting with the 7 Divine Wills

Daily Affirmations and Book Excerpts
Receive your personal Abundance Affirmation for creating money and abundance.
Receive a daily quote from the Creating Money book to increase your abundance potential.