About Sanaya, Orin, and Thaddeus
Greetings from Sanaya

 About Orin    About Thaddeus

 My name is Sanaya Roman (Sanaya is pronounced Sah-nay-ah). I am delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you to our website. I hope you enjoy your time here, and come back often. 

I have been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for many years, bringing through Orin's wisdom via books, audio courses, and the Orin journeys in DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body courses. Although I no longer give private appointments, much of the guidance Orin gives to people is contained in his books: Living with Joy, Personal Power Through Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Opening to Channel, Creating Money, and Soul Love, all published by H J Kramer Inc.  All of Orin's work is to assist you in unfolding your potential, finding your own inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually.

Orin's work teaches you ways to claim your true identity, to know that you are more than just a personality.  Orin calls the path he offers a Path of Self-Realization.  You may want to read about how all of Orin's courses work together to assist you in becoming your true, realized self in Orin's Path of Self-Realization as a way to assist you in selecting what Orin courses to study.  In all of his courses you are guided to connect with your true Self, the innermost part of your being, and work with this Self to transform your life.

Orin's newest set of courses are his Path of Self-Realization series, linking you with your innermost, Divine Self, increasing your illumination, and using this illumination as a way to transform your personality and transcend your ego, so that you can experience more peace, harmony, joy, and able to stay in your center no matter what kind of energy you are around.

Orin has given us much information on how to change our lives through his audio courses on the 7 Qualities of Divine Will. You can view more information on these Divine Will courses and links to written material. Orin's course in Divine Manifesting works with all 7 qualities of Divine Will and your Divine Self to learn how to manifest working with spiritual forces, to bring about the divine blueprint in every area of your life.  You can read my story of teaching Divine Will, and Orin's Introduction to Divine Will.

I have made many guided meditation journeys with Orin. To sample Orin's meditations, expand your consciousness and recharge yourself, go to Orin's Meditation Room and enjoy listening to Orin's meditations. The background music on the Orin journeys is by Thaddeus, an angelic being who brings his music to you through me. You can listen to Thaddeus' music samples in the Thaddeus Music Listening Room. Together with Thaddeus' music, Orin and I hope that each meditation journey and music album brings you a wonderful experience of growth, expansion, peace, and light.

My formal training includes graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California at Berkeley.  I have studied metaphysics for years. I found great value in the Seth books by Jane Roberts, in the Alice Bailey books, as well as books by Joel Goldsmith and many other wonderful teachers.  ~Sanaya Roman

Sanaya died peacefully at home at the end of 2021. She and Orin continue to transmit light and love to all who connect with their meditations and books, and through the music she created with Thaddeus. If you wish, visit the tribute to Sanaya page to read some of the messages from students.

About Orin
Sanaya: Orin is a nonphysical entity that I connect with through conscious channeling. I experience Orin as a being of great love, wisdom, and compassion. He never tells people what to do or how to live their lives. When asked, Orin will offer suggestions and ideas to assist people in seeing more choices. He has a constant message: "that the universe is friendly, that it is unlimited in its abundance, that everything is happening perfectly for our good although we may not always understand why, and that we can choose to grow through joy rather than through struggle." Orin encourages you to accept only the ideas presented in the books and courses that seem true to the deepest part of your being, and to set aside any that do not.

Orin tells me he is a Being of Light. He says he is working with us at this time because humanity is going through a major transition and awakening. Orin has lived an earth life and is aware of the many challenges of living on the earth plane. He says that he now "lives" on the soul plane and in even higher realms. His purpose in being here is to serve humanity.  Orin and DaBen believe that you have all you need within you to live an abundant, joyful, peaceful life, with loving and harmonious relationships and enjoyable, purposeful activities.

Orin is aware of every soul that reaches him through his words, either spoken or written. His light is always available to those who have made contact with him. As you read his books or listen to the journeys, he will join his energy with yours to assist you in unfolding your potential and living the life you want if you ask him to do so and open to receive the light he will send you. You can receive extra energy from Orin, or listen to Orin's guided meditation to receive extra energy in Orin's Meditation Room.  

Part of his service is to offer people a path of spiritual growth and to assist people in reaching their higher self, soul, and spirit. Orin has an important message about the Path of Self-Realization he is offering.  Read an overview of all his courses, how they fit together, and information that may assist you in choosing what courses you want to work with. Included is information about what is your higher self, what is your soul, and what is your Divine Self, and the path to Self Realization that Orin is offering.

I am in a relaxed, yet alert state of awareness when I bring Orin's messages through me. I am fully present and aware of both my own thoughts and his. When Orin is with me, I do not feel as if I am in a trance state; my voice does not change, nor do I lose consciousness. Orin says he communicates with me through a form of higher telepathy. He impresses my soul and higher mind with messages that are then received into my conscious awareness. Orin says that although his energy and light are available to any who call upon him, he will not bring messages and information through other channels until after my lifetime.

Orin's words express only a fraction of what I am experiencing. There is a richness of feelings, pictures, and illumination transmitted with them that is beyond description. I feel his contact as if I have expanded into a world of light and joy. It is as if through Orin I can experience a world of increased understanding, greater awareness, and more compassion and love. The ability to reach this state of awareness is an ability that everyone possesses. It is a matter of listening, opening, and allowing yourself to expand beyond the "you" that you know as your normal awareness.

Channeling involves letting your identity grow into one that includes a more expansive perspective. Many of you experience this when you are doing work you love and feel clearer, wiser, and more inspired than in your normal state of awareness. Some call this expanded state channeling, inspiration, creative thinking, intuitive insight, or expanded awareness. If you are interested in learning to channel, you may want to read "How to tell if you are ready to channel" to determine if channeling might be your next step.  Orin and DaBen's book Opening to Channel will teach you skills to assist you to channel a guide or your higher self.

Orin says that everyone drawn to his work is a teacher, leader, and healer, even if they are not yet aware of it. He says he is reaching those of you who are on the leading edge of the new consciousness that is coming, working with you to assist you in discovering more of your life purpose and in accomplishing what you came to earth to do.

Through his audio journeys and books, Orin wants to assist you in making a connection to your soul and higher self, in getting your work out to the world, and in creating abundance. Orin works with you through his many journeys to assist you in joining with your higher self and soul to reprogram your subconscious to put in new, more positive beliefs and thoughts so you can create the reality you want. Orin joins with DaBen to offer you the light body course to assist you in taking your next evolutionary steps, and to empower you to fulfill your higher purpose of knowing that you are an infinite, eternal, and endless light, that your soul and Divine Self are who you are. Orin's work is part of the timeless wisdom. 

More about Orin:  For more information on Orin, read about him in the Living with Joy book excerpt or more about him in the Spiritual Growth book excerpt. In addition, we have free articles on channeling you can read: How to tell if you are ready to channel and How to recognize a high-level guide, and more about channeling and what it is in the article What is channeling? You can read the story of how Sanaya and Duane started teaching channeling here.

About Thaddeus Music

Listen to 50 minutes of continuous Thaddeus music samples in the Thaddeus Music Listening Room. (Scroll down page.)

Sanaya has created a line of meditation music by working with an Angelic being called Thaddeus.  Thaddeus is an angelic being of light channeled by Sanaya who brings musical harmonies of love and joy, peace and harmony from his realm to you. His music is the background on all the Orin guided meditations and many of the light body meditations.  The music is soft, melodic, and uplifting. The music has been created on synthesizers using strings, harp, piano, angelic voices, and many beautiful sounds. Experience the amazing transformative qualities of this music as you play it for yourself or others.

Thaddeus' music can assist you in expanding your consciousness and connecting with the higher dimensions of light through the use of certain sequences and combinations of tones, the rhythm, the musical sounds used, and the reflection of the consciousness of Thaddeus himself that is contained in the music. The music is paced to relax your body and slow your breathing, opening doorways into higher states of awareness. You can use this music to heal your body, transform your emotions, and evolve your mind as you listen and draw these high, fine vibrations into your being.  

You may listen to this music as much as you want for pure enjoyment and to receive the energies being transmitted. These are excellent for background music for meditation, meetings with friends, classes, bodywork, yoga, or anywhere you want to set a healing, uplifting, relaxing space. Play this music at low volume while you sleep, or play it for loved ones who are ill. Experience the amazing transformative qualities of this music as you play it for yourself or others.

People's Comments About Thaddeus' Music
People have written us with wonderful stories about Thaddeus' music. Some have told us they do their best writing, thinking, art, and creative work while playing Thaddeus' music. Students say it helps them to study and concentrate. Many tell us it helps them reach and sustain a high place in their meditation. Some use Thaddeus' music for yoga, Reiki, deep breathing, and other practices where they need to reach and hold peaceful, high states. Massage therapists say it helps people relax and makes their bodywork more effective. Light body teachers and other teachers use it in their classes to assist class members in reaching high spaces.

Many tell us they play Thaddeus' music for company when they want people to relax and enjoy an evening of connecting and conversation. Some play Thaddeus' music to create a calm, peaceful space in their home throughout the day. Some people reported playing Thaddeus' music during a stay in the hospital, with amazing recoveries, in themselves or in others they played it for.

People tell us it works better than anything else they have tried to fall asleep and to wake up feeling refreshed. Others say it helps them feel emotionally balanced or to release negative energy. I hope you enjoy!

Story of Thaddeus' Music by Sanaya
As a child, I studied classical piano. Although I always dreamed of being a concert pianist, I didn't pursue that path, but enjoyed playing the piano whenever I could. Years later, for fun, I purchased a keyboard that could produce a number of wonderful sounds, such as piano, angelic voices, harp, and strings. One day, as I was playing the keyboards, I felt the presence of an enormous, radiant angel. I somehow knew that he wanted to join me to create music. I opened my heart to this lighted being, whom I now call "Thaddeus," and blended my consciousness with his.

Suddenly, my hands were guided to play chords and notes I could now hear with my inner ears. With Thaddeus present, my skill with music went way beyond my normal ability and limited knowledge of chords and sounds. Out of that blending with Thaddeus, a song was created that took me to a wonderful place of love and light each time I listened.

Since then, Thaddeus has come to join me a number of times to create musical pieces, each one with a special spiritual purpose. I cannot summon Thaddeus; I often wait weeks, months, or even years before Thaddeus is present to guide my hands and lift me up into his realms of angelic music.

As I create music by blending with Thaddeus, I often sense an enormous, sometimes fiery, angelic presence of great love and power. Through Thaddeus I begin to "hear" the prayers of humanity. Sometimes I hear children praying for their parents, or parents praying for their children. I sense people praying for help for themselves and others, and for the good of the world. I hear the soft voices of hungry children asking for food, of the sick praying to get well, and of those feeling unloved praying for love. Thaddeus is one of the angels that answers people's prayers. His music is one way of sending angelic healing energy to anyone who is open to receive it.

Thaddeus' music is created to help people awaken inner strength, to heal past pain, to lift out of denser energies into the light, and to link with the Beings of Light who always stand ready to assist.

Each musical journey by Thaddeus brings an opportunity for healing and for evolution. The titles and descriptions will guide you to the spiritual purpose of each musical piece that has been created.

Royalty-Free Use of Thaddeus' music
To use Thaddeus' music royalty-free as background for your CDs, videos, or DVDs please be sure you meet all the requirements by reading the information on the Thaddeus Permissions page.

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