International Teacher Information

Translations of the Light Body Manuals  |  Making Light Body Audio Recordings 
Internet Teacher's Listing on our Website
Internet Advertising
 |  Guidelines for Playing DaBen's Journeys During Your Classes
DaBen Journeys to Play for Your Classes  

Official Language Albums:  DutchFrenchHebrewJapanese

Light Body Study Sequence Chart - to assist you in understanding how the light body classes fit together.
Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for a study guide that explains the light body path and how the graduate courses relate to each other.

A Web page on our site just for you! Important information on how to keep your Teacher's Webpage current: As a light body teacher you now have a web page on our site just for you!  You can access this page by logging in to your member's area, and clicking on the Light Body Teacher link off the Member's page. Please check this page as soon as you can to check that we have accurate and current teacher's information about you.

You will want to set up your page by entering your student's names and class dates, if you have any at this time. Your Teacher's web page contains links to the discounted prices, and how to set up your web page to order discounted light body courses for your students. You can view the Teacher's Website Information page for information on how to set up and maintain your teacher's web page.

Important Links for You as a Light Body Teacher are as follows, you may want to bookmark:
*** A Key Webpage ***Teacher's Website Information page
Light Body
Teacher's Announcement page for updated teacher's informati
General Teacher's Information

Guidelines for making DaBen and Orin's journeys available to your students/Copyright and Internet Policies
Go to Qualifications to Teach for all the Requirements and Qualifications for Teaching Light Body Courses.  This also includes information on reporting requirements, teacher's guides, and more. 
This web page contains an index of all links for light body teachers: General Teacher's Information.

Current Light Body Seminar Information
DaBen's graduate light body seminars teach DaBen's latest work and are always about bringing through energies that are new to the earth plane. Participants are the pioneers of opening this energy. You are at the leading edge of human consciousness as you explore these energies, playing with new energies and patterns of light and consciousness that have not previously existed on the earth plane.
Go here to read about our latest graduate light body seminars. You can participate by coming in person or participating remotely online, from a place of your choosing.

To Our International Light Body Teachers and Sponsors

You can use Thaddeus' music for your classes, royalty-free. Read more about this at Permission to use Thaddeus' music royalty free. We have suggestions for what music to use for the light body centers available. You can view additional information about each music piece. All Thaddeus' music is approximately 30 minutes in length and is made to use as background music for your meditations. To listen to Thaddeus music samples, and to order, go to the Thaddeus' Music Listening Room.


Translating the Six(6) Part DaBen and Orin Awakening Your Light Body Journeys Into Your Language, Making Audio Recordings of Your Light Body Class Journeys

You may record your live light body seminars, and give recordings of that particular seminar to those who attended that seminar.  Please do not make audio recordings of your seminars available to people who haven't attended that particular seminar.  Do not make recordings of one seminar available to people coming to another seminar, even though the processes and teachings are similar.  

If people want to learn the light body, they will need to attend your live seminars, or buy the 6 part DaBen and Orin light body course, or the official light body course for your language, if they exist.  (Currently we have Dutch light body recordings by Roland Verschaeve, French recordings by Artesa, and Japanese audio recordings available by Bill Eidson & Ana Harada).  We have Hebrew recordings by Tamar Tuv El (formerly known as Elysolaria El).  See below for more information.

Translations of the Light Body Written Materials
Many of you who are light body teachers write to ask if you may translate the written material that accompanies DaBen and Orin's Awakening Your Light Body six- part course into your native language for your students. This is fine, as long as you make your written translation only available to your students and do not sell it to people who have not taken your light body live seminars.

If you have a translation that you would like us to consider as the "official" version for your language, call our office or send us your version of the manual for review and consideration. 

Please note any official translated versions of the manual will need to be typeset and officially produced by you and sold through your organization. You will need to have our permission, and sign an agreement with us, before you sell or make your translated manuscript available to anyone other that the students who attend your live seminars. Some people have translated the manual into other languages on their own, and we have heard that they are selling them. Unless a manuscript has been deemed the official manual for your language, please do not assume that the information in these unofficial versions is correct, and do not use them for your classes.

Internet Rules for Advertising Your Awakening Your Light Body Classes
You may announce your Awakening Your Light Body classes on the Internet. If you do so, it is assumed you are following all the rules and agreements for being a teacher. You may not sell or rent DaBen and Orin's 6 part Awakening Your Light Body course or any other light body courses over the Internet or at a retail outlet. Please review our Copyright and Permissions page.

Listing on Our Website as a Light Body Teacher
If you are teaching light body classes and use this form to be listed as a teacher on our website. Please note, we will need a signed Teacher's Agreement from you before you can be listed on our website.  View our current listing of light body teachers.  These are teachers who have chosen to be listed on this website and who meet all requirements, have signed a Teacher's agreement with us, returned our Internet form, and are teaching in accordance with our policies.   

Linking Your Site to Our Website
It is fine to link your site to ours if you wish your students to see your name on our teacher's list or to read more about the light body. Please let us know that you are linking your website to ours.

DaBen Journeys to Play for Your Classes

Teachers tell us that their students are able to experience and benefit from DaBen's transmissions of the centers, even without understanding the language or instructions in the course. Some teachers have facilitated their students experience of DaBen's journeys by:

  1. Translating the audio instructions for their students as a handout, which their students read in advance of doing the journey.
  2. Turning the audio player to low volume during DaBen's instructions, and translating the instructions for their students. Teachers pause during DaBen's transmissions, so that their students can experience DaBen's transmissions of the centers.
  3. Instructing their students to find the energy behind DaBen's words, for he is always transmitting energy even while he is giving instructions.  Your students can have a wonderful experience of the energies and spaces DaBen is transmitting simply by finding and paying attention to the journeys at this level.  Many English light body students do the journeys without following DaBen's instructions, finding that they have deep and powerful experiences of the light body energies by tuning out their mental body that needs to listen to and follow instructions, and simply finding and following the energy that DaBen is transmitting instead.

DaBen journeys to play for class set 1 on the Nu'a, Dinia, Leow, Mumin and Ranthia:

Part 1, Program 3--Nu'a, Dinia 3rd Journey
Program 8--Nu'a, Dinia, Leow; and Part 2, Program 4--Explorations of the Ranthia
You are welcome to play other journeys from Part 1 and Part 2 for your classes. Also suggested: Part 1, Program 2 and Program 7; Part 2, Program 1.

DaBen journeys to play for class set 2 on the Traeo, Pieah, and Renawre:

Part 3, Program 4--Exploring the Renawre Cocoon
Program 10--Entering the Void; and Part 4: Program 5--Experiencing the Centers as Planes
You are welcome to play any other journeys you like from Part 3 and Part 4 for your classes.

DaBen journeys to play for class set 3 on the light body centers:

Part 5, Program 5--Fullonia Intensity; Program 9--Fullonia/Saha: Power
Part 6, Program 5--Vee: Pollination of Flower
You are welcome to play any other journeys you like from Part 5 and Part 6 for your classes.

In talking to many teachers of all languages, we have found that the biggest challenge to teaching the light body is not the language, but the shifts that the students must make in their beliefs to allow them to integrate what they have experienced in awakening their light bodies. This includes such things as teaching people that it is possible to change their lives by working with light, that they can create things in the physical world by working on them as energy first, and that they can use the light body to shift their emotions, thoughts, and physical energy body. Concepts such as transmission, placing radiance, and working with the subtle energies will need to be conveyed and taught as much as the centers.

International Light Body Albums are available:

Go here for information on requirements and suggestions for using these albums.

Dutch Light Body Courses
Made by Roland Verschaeve
Light Body Institute Belgium
Sint Jansstraat 8 8000
Brugge, Belgium
Phone: 050 33 66 97
Fax: 050 33 19 93

Licensed for all light body courses, and most of Orin's courses.
These are suggested as study courses for all light body students studying the light body in Belgium and the Netherlands.

French Light Body Courses
Made by Askesyam
Résidence Sainte Anne – Bat E
105 Montée du Thouars
83130 LA GARDE
Phone/Fax: 33 494 38 49 23

Licensed for Awakening Your Light Body, Self-Exciting, and Frequencies courses, and some of Orin's courses.
These are suggested as study courses for all light body students studying the light body in France.

Hebrew Light Body Courses
Tamar Tuv El (Elysolaria)
Nisenbaum St. 12/ 121
Nave Shaanan
Haifa  3224901
Tel. 048100807,  0525312508
Tamar is licensed for Awakening Your Light Body; Radiance: Self-Exciting and Frequencies, and Radiance: Transmitting Light.  These are suggested as study albums for all light body students studying the light body in Israel.

Japanese Light Body Courses
Made by Ana Harada-Eidson & Bill Eidson
Castles in the Sky
P. O. Box 3757, Fresno, CA 93650
Phone (888) 744-6466

Japan address
4-26 Nakano-Cho
Ikoma City, Nara, Japan 630-0267
Phone: (011) 81 743 75 5537

Licensed for all light body and Orin courses. Their light body courses are required for all light body students studying the light body in Japan.

We offer our thanks and congratulations to our light body teachers above who have translated the light body materials, and made the light body albums available in the above languages.

Copy/Share Information for Light Body Students

Feel free to share this course with others once you have completed all six courses in this series (Parts 1-6) and are an Awakening Your Light Body graduate. However, permission is given for you to share these light body journeys with one other person who is a partner, spouse, special friend, or loved one who wants to take this course with you at the same time.

We ask that you do not copy this course onto any format for sharing. You may not post these audio journeys on the Internet. Please do not copy or transfer these copyrighted journeys to other people via audio listening devices, other digital media, file sharing programs, or other methods. Please review our Copyright and Permissions page. 

We have repeatedly found that when people are ready for the course, their soul, higher self, guides, and the Divine within will provide them with all the resources they need to take this course.  Our experience teaches us that those who purchase or make an investment in the course not only value the course, but finish it as well. Thank you for assisting and supporting us in keeping the work out in as pure a form as is possible. 



the Orin DaBen Foundation


~100 Years of Light In-Person Seminar ~

Evolving the Work of Orin and DaBen

 October 11-13, 2024
Ashland, Oregon


 Orin and DaBen tell us that we are the Seeds of this work. Each of us who have loved and evolved with these energies for years and decades are the current expression of these light frequencies into earth plane and beyond. As the embodiment of this extraordinary Light, it is a gift to offer it to generations to come.

As Duane often reminded us, we cannot do this alone—we need each other. You are an integral part of the creation of this incoming pattern of Light. Your presence is essential to creating the most richness possible. Join us in person in October as we evolve this shimmering mandala that is our community of Light Beings.

Be among the first to hear NEW works. This Seminar will include previously unpublished material from both our teachers, Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman. There is a small archive of unpublished work which is being lovingly curated by the Board and LuminEssence staff. Some of this work will be shared at the seminar. We expect to also offer journeys and talks from our published archives. There will be live transmissions and teachings from Senior Teachers and some new faces as well. We plan to have Seed/Discovery and Teachers group gatherings. There will be time to play and socialize, too.

We truly hope you will join us in the joy of bringing forth the energies that are becoming the Orin DaBen Foundation. Be a part of these first steps into the future which Orin and DaBen, Duane and Sanaya have prepared for us.


Welcome Home!

The Seminar Committee and Board of the Orin DaBen Foundation

Event Details:

FN100E - 100 Years of Light
Register here)

October 11-13 2024
9am-5pm Friday and Saturday
9am-1pm Sunday
Cost: $375

Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites
2525 Ashland Street
Ashland OR 97520

Reservations: 855-482-8310

Call the hotel directly at 541-482-8310 and request group rates for
the 'Orin DaBen Foundation' in October to receive a discounted rate

or go online and follow these steps:

·       Visit our booking site at

·       Enter the date of their stay and number of nights

      ·       Enter your GROUP ID NUMBER 658337 in the Group ID field

Important Information:

~ If you’re flying, the closest airport is Medford (MFR)

~ You’ll need to drive or Uber to the hotel in Ashland, about 20 minutes away. There is no shuttle service to Ashland Hills Hotel from Medford. (Uber ride is approximately $25) The hotel is not within walking distance of downtown Ashland.

~ Please register as soon as you know you will attend. It will help the Planning Committee in their setup and planning.

~ Please come in person to have the greatest experience of the energies! There will be recordings made of the seminar. These recordings will be available online as soon as possible, as LuminEssence did in the past. You will receive these recordings in your Member's Area online. There will be no live video or audio feed.

~ There is a restaurant in the hotel Here is a restaurant list from TripAdvisor (updated in February):

More Details to Come!