

Weekly Meditation

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Receiving Higher Guidance
Meditation by Orin and DaBen

I take a deep breath in and
relax my body.
I imagine a golden light
surrounding me.
Any thoughts I do not want are leaving.
My mind is filled with peace.

I am going within and experiencing
my thoughts, 
and the serene inner core 
of my true Self.

I call back to myself any
energy I have left 
scattered out in the universe.
I feel more whole 
and complete within
as I do.

I bring my awareness
to the center of my being,
a place of light,
of love, and
of peace and serenity.

As I go within
I can experience the light
of my soul simply by
having the intent to do so.
I allow my soul to surround me
with its light.

From this place of inner serenity
I can tune into 
whatever vibration I choose.
I now choose to tune into
the higher realms of 
and wisdom. 

I now experience 
the vibration of healing
that is always being broadcast
from the higher realms.
I receive healing into any part of
my body, emotions, mind, or life that
needs healing.

I think of some area of my life
in which I would like
to create a positive change.

I open to receive the broadcast of light
from the Masters and Guides
that will assist me 
in expanding my consciousness.

I open to new perspectives, 
insights, and wisdom.
I open my heart and 
bring about changes
in this area of my life.
I receive this light now.

I think of something 
I would like guidance about.
I ask the Guides and Masters
for guidance.
I open to receive their guidance now.

I affirm that I will honor and
pay attention to the new ideas
insights, and revelations
that come into my mind about
whatever issue I have requested guidance.

I think of my higher path.
I ask to receive the broadcast of
clarity, wisdom, and light
from the higher realms.

My next steps are becoming clearer to me.
They reveal to me more about
my higher purpose and path.
I open to receive this guidance
from the higher realms now.

I now focus my awareness upward.
I receive guidance from the
higher realms.
I honor the guidance I receive
and I act upon it.
My life works in wonderful ways.

Personal Power Through Awareness, Articles and Products on our Website
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Personal Power Through Awareness Book Available in eBook formats (ePub and Kindle/mobi) Revised eBook and printed book edition is updated with new chapters on clearing energy. Stay centered and balanced and stop being affected by other people's moods. Send and receive telepathic messages, hear your intuition, and receive higher guidance. Evolve your inner dialog; change your self-image; find your deepest truth; and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive. 

Book Excerpts from Personal Power preface by Sanaya and Welcome from Orin.
Receiving Guidance from the Higher Realms

Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness

Receive a message from the Personal Power Through Awareness book by going to the "Creating Your Highest Future" room. Click on the book picture, and read the message that comes up. 
Receive your personal affirmation in the Daily Affirmation Room.
If you would like to listen to Thaddeus' music while reading this book excerpt, go to the Music Listening room.

Recommended Personal Power Additional Audio Resources

Recommended audio journeys to go with the book

Listen to the Audiobook, read by Sanaya, transmitting Orin's energy to you as you listen.

product imageAudio Book, Personal Power through Awareness. (PPTAE) Unabridged version read by Sanaya Roman.  Includes two free sample chapters you can listen to right now.

P201 Sensing Energy AudioVolume 1 - Sensing Energy (P201) 8 meditations by Orin in album. Contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.

P202 Journey Into Light AudioVolume 2 - Journey Into Light Going Higher, (P202) 8 meditations by Orin in album. This is a step-by-step program to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities, sense subtle energies, send and receive telepathically, awaken your intuition, receive higher guidance, and connect with your soul and guides. Learn to stay centered and balanced, increase the positive energy around you, and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive.

P100 AudioPersonal Power Through Awareness Audio Short course contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.

Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness

Recommended Orin Single Audio Journeys
Radiating Unconditional Love (P103) and Self-Love (L102)
View a list of all Single Meditation