
Weekly Meditation

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Soul Love
Meditation by Orin and DaBen

As I breathe in, I relax my body.
I imagine a golden light
coming down through 
the top of my head,
filling my body with light.

This light moves down 
through my body
and out through my feet 
into the earth.

As it moves through my body,
old thoughts, beliefs, and 
energies from others
are drawn out of me and 
sent into the earth,
transformed into pure light.

I grow quiet within,
allowing serenity 
and peace to fill me.
My mind is quiet and 
open to receive 
the light of my soul.

I become aware of my soul that is
surrounding me with its light and love.
My soul is filling my heart center 
with its love.

Soul love is moving outward 
from my heart center in waves.
I am radiant with soul love.

I sense my soul's love 
shining through me,
touching all life with love.

As soul love pours through me
I allow myself to feel
the serenity of my soul
which knows there is nothing to fear.
It knows that love is the most powerful
energy in the universe.  

I know the patience of soul love.
I now give permission to someone in my life
to grow and change in whatever way and
in whatever timing is best for him or her.

I open to experience 
the harmony that my soul's love creates
between me and everyone in my life.

Today I focus 
on my oneness with others
and let the harmony 
between myself and others grow.

I release my judgment of others
and focus instead on their strengths.
I see the good in others. 
I acknowledge their divinity.

I offer my unconditional love to others
without needing anything in return.
I give love generously and freely,
knowing that all the love I give
makes more love available 
to heal the world.

I think of a person to send love to.
I now radiate soul love to this person.

My love is a shining light
that lifts,
and heals
all who
come in contact with me.

I allow myself to love.
I am loved, accepted, and
connected to the greater whole of
which I am always a part.

Recommended Audio Journeys

Listen to Soul Love Audiobook, read by Sanaya, transmitting Orin's energy as you listen.

product image Soul Love Audio Book (SLE) Unabridged book, read by Sanaya Roman, includes 21 Soul Play meditations at the end of the each chapter available as a separate track. These are not the same as the meditations in Volume 1 and 2 below.

SL105 Soul Love AudioSoul Love—Awakening Your Heart Centers (SL105) 8 meditations by Orin to blend with your soul and awaken your heart centers. Based on the information in Orin's book, Soul Love.  Blend with your soul, transform your relationships through a soul connection, and awaken your heart to experience soul love. Learn the serenity and oneness of love, awaken your will to love, and surrender to love.

SL106 AudioCreating a Soul Relationship (SL106) 8 meditations by Orin to work soul to soul with a loved one to transform your relationship.  Join with the soul of a loved one on the soul plane, increase the light and love between you, discover your higher purpose, dissolve obstacles to love, and blend as two souls. Can also be used to connect with the soul of someone who is no longer alive. 

SL001 AudioCelebration of Love (SL001) has one guided meditation by Orin to make wheels of love to evolve all your relationships and another guided meditation by Orin to take a journey to meet the Great Ones to help open your heart center and the heart centers of humanity.

Recommended Orin Single Audio Journeys
Having What you Want in a Relationship (RE003), Radiating Unconditional Love (P103),  and Achieving Intimacy–Opening Your Heart (RE005)
View a list of all Single Meditations

Soul Love, Articles and Products on Our Website

product imageproduct imageOrin's Soul Love book
Svailable in printed and eBook formats! Also available as an Audiobook read by Sanaya who transmits Orin's energy as you listen.
Works with the Soul Love audio courses.  In this book, you will learn how to blend with your soul, transform your relationships through a soul connection, and awaken your heart to experience soul love. Enjoy the serenity and oneness of love, strengthen your will to love, and surrender to love. Learn how to more easily experience soul love, peace, joy, bliss, and aliveness moment-to-moment. Soul Love Audiobook is also available.
View all Soul Contact Products
Book Excerpt Soul Love
View all Soul Love Products

View a list of all Orin and DaBen books

What is the Higher Self, Soul, and Divine Self?
Meet and Blend with Your Soul
Aligning with Your Soul in Orin's Four Alignments Exercises
Receive Soul Guidance/Working with Energies Present
Exercise:  Asking for Soul Impressions
Exercise:  Recognizing Soul Impressions
Exercise:  Receiving Soul Impressions Throughout the Day
Article and Meditation to Awaken Your Heart Center
Exercise:  Changing a Situation with Soul Love
Exercise:  Radiating Soul Love to a Person
Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Read about Soul Mates and How to Attract One
Information on Teaching Soul Love 

Receive a message from the Soul Love book by going to the "Creating Your Highest Future" room. Click on the Soul Love book picture, and read the message that comes up for a message from your soul. Receive your personal affirmation in the Daily Affirmation Room.
If you would like to listen to Thaddeus' music while reading this book excerpt, go to the Music Listening room,