Orin's Divine Will Series:
Transforming Your Life with Divine Will
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Series Title: Orin's Divine Will Series Part 1 of 2
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Orin
Contains: 12 Guided Meditations
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 5 hours

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

Audio, PDF Manual with Transcripts
Product Number: MM050
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Transforming Your Life with Divine Will

If you are new to Divine Will, or want to link with all seven qualities of Divine Will,  this course will assist you.  In this course you will receive 7 qualities of Divine Will (also called Higher Will) from the Great Ones who transmit Divine Will to humanity. Divine Will is one of the most transformative energies in the universe.  Divine Will transforms every level of your being when you open to its energy.  Receiving and aligning with the 7 qualities of Divine Will taught in Orin's course can transform your life, unfold your highest potential, expand your consciousness, and assist you in manifesting in alignment with the Divine Plan and the higher purpose of your life.

Divine Will is pure spiritual energy that comes from the higher dimensions. 

Calling it to you creates an enormous infusion of spiritual energy into your life that awakens new consciousness, realizations, and revelations.  As you align with Divine Will, you infuse your personality with new skills and more power to carry out your higher goals and purposes.  Working in this way can create wonderful changes in your earth plane life.

To transform your life and consciousness with Divine Will, you need to contact It, call It to you, and draw It into your life as Orin will guide you to do in the journeys in this course. You will learn how to call upon each of the 7 Great Ones transmitting Divine Will.  Linking with Divine Will can deepen your connection to your soul and Divine Self.

As you work with and open to receive the energies being transmitted in this course from Divine Will, Orin, your soul, and the beings of light, you can awaken spiritual vision, deepen your intuition and wisdom; experience an illumined mind, let go of struggles, and release lesser energies and limitations.  You will ask for and receive energy from them to increase your spiritual power, love, creative intelligence, purpose, clarity, harmony, understanding, wisdom, intuition, clear thinking, illumination, and inspiration.  You can link with Divine Will to experience more spiritual power, to initiate new awareness, to let go of battles, to follow the highest light within you, and to create heaven on earth.

Aligning with Divine Will can be one of the most transformative steps you can take
on your path of Self realization and enlightenment.

Understanding and working with Divine Will is a part of taking higher initiations, and is a way to open a doorway into higher realizations of Oneness and God-Consciousness.

Orin Meditations Include:
Program 1: Preparing for Divine Will –– Receive transmissions from a very high being to prepare you for direct contact with the 7 Great Ones who transmit Divine Will.
Program 2: Contacting Divine Will –– Contact each of the Great Ones who transmit Divine Will to harmonize with their patterns of light, color, sound, tones, and subtle energies.
Program 3: The Will to Initiate –– Awakening New Consciousness  Blend with this Great One who initiates expansions of consciousness, so you can receive insights and revelations, and initiate activities that are in alignment with the divine plan of your life.
Program 4: The Will to Unify –– Developing Vision Merge with this Great One who brings you the gift of clear vision through knowing what is to be loved. Bring unity to your personality, soul, and spirit. Increase your ability to see your soul, the souls of others, and the beings of light who guide humanity.
Program 5: The Will to Evolve –– Becoming Wise Blend with this Great One and strengthen your ability to evolve both your consciousness and all the forms and circumstances in your life. Increase your ability to express the creative intelligence of your soul to create your highest future.
Program 6: The Will to Harmonize –– Deepening Intuition This Great One transmits the illumined will that releases limitations. Working with this Being can help you bring harmony to areas of conflict and expand your ability to create art, music, and beauty in all forms. It is the basis of the intuition. 
Program 7: The Will to Act –– Achieving Liberation Join with this Great One and with the Solar Angel of the mind to align your higher mind with your everyday, concrete mind. Your mind can then fulfill its purpose of being a channel for the inflow of higher mind energy and your personality can become a pure channel for Divine Will, leading to liberation.
Program 8: The Will to Cause –– Embodying High Ideals The transmissions from this Great One cause the mind of God to be known, which appear in your mind as ideals that you live by. Live by the ideals of your soul, which bring you love, freedom, and enlightenment. This Will brings the ability to release personality desire, endurance, and detachment.
Program 9: The Will to Express –– Creating Divinity in Form This Being makes the work of the other Great Ones appear on the physical plane in a rhythmic, orderly way. It works with the devas and forces that manifest forms. Draw in its qualities of strength, perseverance, courage, self-reliance, steadfastness, care in details, and precision in creating form.
Program 10: Manifesting with Divine Will –– Work with all 7 qualities of Divine Will to manifest something important in your life.
Program 11: Creating Ideal Relationships –– Draw in the 7 qualities of Divine Will to transform a special relationship, or all your relationships at once as you align them with Divine Will.
Program 12: Transmitting Divine Will –– Absorb and then transmit the qualities of Divine Will to your life, to your loved ones, to the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms, and to whatever you choose.

PDF booklet with transcripts is an online product (there is no printed version that will be sent to you). The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.

Orin's Divine Will Series:Living a Soul Life with Divine Will

MM060 product imageWelcome to Orin's course, Living a Soul Life with  Divine Will that will assist you in calling upon the power of Divine Will to transform various areas of your life so you can become a soul-infused personality and live a soul life.  In this course on Divine Will, you will link with all 7 Divine Wills that you connected with in Orin’s Transforming with Divine Will or in Orin’s other Divine Will courses, calling upon them  to strengthen your connection to your soul and transmitting them to various areas of  your life.

You do not need to effort or struggle to live a soul life. Simply call Divine Will to you and transmit it to your life to bring about wonderful and positive changes. Divine Will is a powerful force of pure spiritual energy that you can call to you. As you draw in Divine Will, you become a transmitter of it. Divine Will transforms whatever it is transmitted to; bringing that area into harmony with the divine plan and purpose of your life. As you transmit Divine Will to certain areas of your life, these areas will come into a greater alignment with the Divine Plan of the Universe and in alignment with the higher purpose of your life.

You will work with all 7 Divine Wills in each journey to awaken to divine love, to strengthen self-love, to transform your emotions, to illuminate your mind, to know your life purpose, to increase abundance and prosperity, to receive clear inner guidance, to expand your creativity, to evolve your body, to create a supportive environment, and to experience and live your life as a soul. You will link with your soul to bring every area of your life into alignment with your soul’s higher light to experience more opportunities, blessings, abundance, and all good things.

People have written us with wonderful stories about how various areas of their lives have shifted since they called upon Divine Will to expand their consciousness, and directed Divine Will to various areas of their lives. As you bring your life into alignment with Divine Will you are serving humanity; for when enough people have aligned with Divine Will the purposes of humanity can be known and fulfilled, and the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms can be served.

MM060 product imageMM050 product imageSpecial Offer: Orin's Living a Soul Life with Divine Will (MM060) and this course, Transforming Your Life with Divine Will (MM050) were made to work together. In the Transforming Your Life with Divine Will course, you will work individually with each of the seven qualities of Divine Will, as well as with a meditation to create your ideal relationships, abundance, and to transmit Divine Will to your life and circumstance to transform them.  In Orin's Living a Soul Life with Divine Will, you will work with all seven qualities of Divine Will in each journey to awaken to divine love, strengthen self-love, transform your emotions, illuminate your mind, know your life purpose, increase abundance and prosperity,  receive clear inner guidance, expand your creativity, evolve your body, create a supportive environment, and to experience and live your life as a soul.

Download offer: Purchase both download albums together and save.  These 2 download albums ($89 each) are $178 if purchased separately.  Purchase both download courses at the same time for $150, and save $28.00.
Download offer includes 2 free MP3 Thaddeus music track downloads with purchase.

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Additional Orin Divine Will Courses:  

DW917Orin's Divine Manifesting with the 7 Divine Wills and Divine Self
With the completion of Living a Soul Life with Divine Will, you will have a strong foundation in Divine Will that prepares you to get the most out of Orin's Divine Manifesting With the 7 Divine Wills and other Divine Self courses.  All of these courses open you in a greater way to your soul's illumination, allowing you to manifest as your Divine Self.
Part 1: Manifesting as Your Divine Self (MM070)
Part 2: Becoming a Master of Manifesting (DW918)

Study Divine Will in Depth, a Course on Each Divine Will, starting with:

DW9111 product imageWill 1: Transforming Your Consciousness: Clearing Lesser Energies, Illusions, and Limitations 
Orin has taught an in depth course on each of the 7 qualities of Divine Will.  In this course you will link with the first quality of Divine Will that brings you the spiritual power to release the thoughts, illusions, lesser energies, and obstacles that stand in the way of living as your soul–free, joyous, clear, loving, peaceful, and harmonious. Release lower, denser energies, thoughts, emotions, desires, and the fog of illusions. I have used the processes in this course for years and continually find them useful for keeping my energy clear ~ Sanaya
Course contains 10 journeys by Orin, talks by Sanaya and extensive written material

Information About Orin Seminars and Orin's Newest Course, 
Connecting with Your Guide: Receiving Clear Guidance

There are currently no scheduled Orin live seminars.  Please read more about DaBen's current seminars for information.

You can read about Orin's newest course Connecting with Your Guide, Receiving Clear Guidance (C201).  This course will assist you in making a good, clear, strong connection to a guide whose purpose is to assist you in receiving clear guidance, either directly into your mind, or through channel aloud. You will then learn more about how guidance comes about, how to view the bigger picture, see into the details, go out into time, and get guidance so clear that you can take action on it.

Orin has a new series of audio courses called Orin's Path of Self-Realization audio courses.  This is a major work by Orin that has been several years in the making.  This is composed of three series of courses so far: 
Orin's Transcending Your Ego courses (six volumes, with 72 guided journeys and manuals). You can read a short description of all six at this link.
Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self courses (three volumes, with 36 guided meditations and manuals). 
Orin's newest course:  Asking and Receiving from Your Divine Self

Announcement by Sanaya About Future Events With Orin
As you can read in Orin's message about the path he is offering, all of his work from his first book and audio course, to his current work, is offering a step-by-step path for you to realize the Divine Self, the true Self as who you are.  Read Orin's Path of Self Realization. Realize that the key to Self Realization is in your hands. You have the ability to realize your full potential, to become a fully realized Self. When you are ready, Orin and all of the guides and inner teachers are there to assist you. All you need will be provided for the next phase of your journey to Self Realization. ~Sanaya

Divine Will Free Articles on Our Website

Read what others say they have gained from Studying Divine Will
Read an overview of all of Orin's Divine Will Courses
What is Divine Will and general Divine Will Information.
Align with Divine Will in Orin's Four Alignments Exercises.
Sanaya's story of teaching Divine Will
Orin's introduction to Divine Will
Just starting Divine Will?  Read Preparatory Information.
Orin's Divine Will Study Group
Orin's Path of Self Realization to assist you in understanding more about the spiritual path that Orin is offering and to aid you in choosing what courses might be most useful to you right now.

Orin's channeling on Divine Will and the new energies
Go here for information on teaching Divine Will classes.

Divine Will Free Online Articles and Study Information

Divine Will Study Schedule | Preparatory Material | General Divine Will Information | List of All Divine Will Courses

Will 1: Will to Initiate | Will 2: Will to Unify | Will 3: Will to Evolve | Will 4: Will to Harmonize | Will 5: Will to Act | Will 6: Will to Cause | Will 7: Will to Express

Manifesting With Divine Will | Creating Ideal Relationships | Transmitting Divine Will  | Becoming Your Soul | Awakening Divine Love | Strengthening Self-LoveTransforming Your Emotions | Illuminating Your Mind | Knowing Your Life Purpose | Increasing Abundance | Receiving Inner Guidance | Expanding Your Creativity | Evolving Your Body | Creating a Supportive Environment | Living a Soul Life

Information on Teaching Divine Will